Home Manufacturer News Green Devil Bio BB: New 0.30g bio BB in ivory

Green Devil Bio BB: New 0.30g bio BB in ivory

by News Fairy

Green Devil Bio BB have sent in details of their latest product:

Green Devil Bio BB are please to announce the addition of a 0.30 gram
Bio  BB in Ivory colour to our range.

imageGreen Devil BB’s are made for one of the world leaders in biodegradable BB’s and environmentally friendly airsoft products. Manufacturing and supplying high quality 6mm 0.20, 0.25, 0.28 gram BB’s in range of colours.

Constructed using NatureWorks™ polymer PLA2000D resin, to an extremely high quality polished finish, suitable for all airsoft guns including high velocity Systema PTW, and with an estimated true biodegradable time of 10 to 15 months.

Our resin colours are chosen to blend naturally with the background environment allowing for the micro bacterial degradation process to occur unnoticed, however doesn’t suffer from premature degrading or moisture swelling, and has a long shelf life.

We only sell Bio BB’S, and we make no compromises with performance for

Main stockists:

(Green Devil Bio BB)

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