Madbull have a new body out and I’ve had a chance to try out the first Madbull body to roll out of the factory.
First things first a big thank you goes out to Simon at Madbull for making this article possible.
In the box for the M4 body you’ll find the new Madbull hop-up unit complete with hop-up rubbers, various bits for the receiver in a plastic bag and the body itself. Madbull highlight from the outset that the receiver requires parts and professional skills to install. Obviously you’ll need donor parts and items such as charging handles, select levers etc to complete the build. All the parts are included in the box that are specific to this receiver such as the body pins, gearbox pin and split pins that secure various latches and pieces in place. You’ll also find inside instructions for the hopup and the receiver itself.
The donor rifle for the build in this case has been a new Marui M733 so do keep in mind that my comments relate to Marui compatibility.
Lets face it -if you’re going to fit a M4 metal body you are either doing this from scratch and know what you are doing, or have a TM clone which you wish to upgrade and have parts on the table ready to go. My advice is that if this is the first body you’ve ever installed just take your time and don’t force anything (put that hammer back in the box…).