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AATV ‘action flick’ online

by Arnie

It’s Austrian TV time again and this time Gregor has added a six minute long action flick to the skirmish section of his video site.

The video is 62megs or so in size, so be prepared for a long wait if you’re on dialup or a slowish connection.

I’ve not had a chance to see it yet myself (it’s currently downloading), but I’ll update this piece when I do get to see it. wink

Edit: Just had time to watch the film and it is a nicely scripted bit of Airsoft movie work. You’ve got to be daring with AEGs near a half decent car as I’ve seen the damage they can do at close range to paintwork and lights. An entertaining six minutes of time, and something that’s obviously had a great deal of time and planning put into it.

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