Home ArniesAirsoftArn's Blog You’re on the new server.. bear with us

You’re on the new server.. bear with us

by Arnie

You are on our new server, we’re currently working on upgrading the site as we go. Things won’t work and will gradually kick in and be fixed one by one. As mentioned there’s a lot to do. I’m currently getting our news page back to a familiar look, but I have a bit to do Wink

At present the forums are offline. The data is safe but the forum techs need to work a bit more before it goes live. They should be returning to have a look at the forums at around 0200GMT. We’re getting there gradually. Sorry it’s been slow but we will get there.

Update 04/04/2010 2107hrs GMT: The forums are upgraded and the software company are busy working out a glitch in the latest version of the forum software and the current mysql version. When there’s more news I’ll let you folks know.

Update 05/04/2010: Invision (the company that make for forum software) are now looking at things to see why the upgrade hasn’t worked.

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