Home Event News AI:Tour of Duty, Vietnam game 14/15 Aug, Bulby Wood

AI:Tour of Duty, Vietnam game 14/15 Aug, Bulby Wood

by Arnie

Free Fire Zone are hosting the Airsoft International Tour of Duty game. The event will be a Vietnam themed game held on the 14th and 15th of August at Bulby Wood. More details are below, and can also be found in our forum:

imageAirsoft International – Tour of Duty – Vietnam game Sat 14th, Sun 15th August @ Bulby Wood


A vietnam Themed game will be held at Bulby Wood.

Please call 01733 247171 to book


£35, payable in advance by cheque (Free Fire Zone Ltd) or credit card
It is a national event and we will be limiting it to 150 players
Arrive on site 12pm on Sat
Camping available
Games Sat 6pm to 10pm
Game restarts 10am thru til 4pm (one continuous game with multiple objectives)

Milsim type event with ammo limits
Hicaps allowed
Camo colours must be close to period
Guns used must look like period guns
VC black and NVA Khaki
US and allies greens

Information about the site
Firebase with entrenched 2 x 105 artillery pieces
Bunker complex
Numerous individual bunkers and pill boxes
New Village area
Moate and Balle
Boarder crossing
Mortar Pit and trench system

Please call 01733 247171 to book

Thanks, Frank (Free Fire Zone)

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