Home Event News Viking Airsoft at Harmer Green 7/8th Aug

Viking Airsoft at Harmer Green 7/8th Aug

by Arnie

Viking Airsoft are holding a walk-on event at Harmer Green on the 7th and 8th of August. I’m told the event will cost you £20 for the whole weekend, which isn’t bad!

For this August weekend only, walk-on will be £20 — for the WHOLE WEEKEND.


This is an excellent opportunity to anyone who has never been to Harmer Green before to visit the site and see what we are all about. Across the weekend we will be having a car boot sale, all are welcome to bring old or unused kit to sell, there is no charge for buying or selling. We also welcome people who wish to visit for the boot sale only but don’t have the energy for a day of airsofting.

There will be BBQs and a social on the Saturday night, as well as free camping for anyone wishing to stay-over. (Viking Airsoft)

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