Home ArniesAirsoftArn's Blog BTLC Tank Tops

BTLC Tank Tops

by Arnie

Indeed!Very random, “indeed!” but the lads over at WingKong.net are selling t-shirts. Not exactly amazing that, you see boring t-shirts on websites around the world everywhere these days. Nah, the interesting thing is that they have replica vests(aka ‘tank tops’) from the film available for sale.

So grow a mullet, drop a few points in the IQ department, develop a really corny sense of humor, take on the chinese underword and grab a vest while you’re at it. So
…next time some eight-foot-tall, wild-eyed maniac taps the back of your favorite head up against the barroom wall and asks you if you’ve paid your dues, well, you just do what ole Jack Burton always does at a time like that. You stare that sucker right back in the eye. “Have you paid your dues, Jack?” “Yes, sir, the check is in the mail.”

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