Home Event News Gunman Airsoft: May 2011 newsletter

Gunman Airsoft: May 2011 newsletter

by Arnie

Here’s the latest newsletter from Gunman Airsoft:


Welcome to Gunman Airsoft News

Dear ArniesAirsoft,

May 2011 GMA News Letter

Hi all and welcome to the GMA late May news letter. (I’ve been having babies)

Another awesome month for Gunman and its players! A huge thanks to all players and marshals. We tried out some new props and game scenarios this month such as clearing vehicle mines in the road and a CO2 bazooka. Also 3 new remote satchel charge bags (still have teething problems) have added to the scenario ideas. We’re always trying to keep ahead of the game so more of the monthly budget is being put into new and exciting toys for you all to use.

NIGHT GAMES are on their way back. They will be run on the first Wednesday night of every month, run from 7.30pm – 10.30pm and cost £15. We will be using the car park and safe zone as the games will be run across the whole site for super sneaky beakyness. These games will be run in a Filmsim elements format and will be for experienced players only (3 games must have been attended, of which at least one need to have been Filmsim)
Keep an eye out on the forum for dates and scenario.

FILMSIM- BANDAGES!!!! Can everyone make an effort to provide their own bandages please! Real ones with a bit of fake blood look the nuts. Its costing a small fortune in bed sheets, which is money that could be going on pyro;) PLEASE KEEP REMEMBERING GUYS;)


Josh Smith, (Gunman Airsoft)

Site News

2000 tyres later and we have a new built up area constructed. The old shizer pile opposite building 6 is nearly gone so we will be popping another area there and all this done on the hottest day recorded in April for 65 years. It was HOT!! Cheers to all the guys that mucked in. The safe zone is now dedicated to punters and more tables will be going in (after the New Year’s theft of the palleted tables…no imagination the teeeves of today!). Game play was excellent and numbers were again up on last year. Keep ‘em rolling.

No news to report other than ‘what a site’, the game play is second to none and I think we made the right decision to make Norwich Filmsim only!. More structures and bunkers will be put in later in the year and the car park at both safe zones will be worked on soon. The next priority will be to get some solid cover up for rainy days in the safe zone. This will be a build day and any help will be appreciated, keep an eye out in the Norwich news section for more and a date.

Game days at Tuddenham

Join us for a day or two at the one and only Tuddenham Aerodrome for Filmsim Elements. Camping if free and you can turn up Friday night if you want to make a weekend of it.
14-15 May
£26 for the day
£45 for the weekend
Full shop on site and hot food will be available.

Join us for a day or two at the one and only Tuddenham Aerodrome for Filmsim Elements. Camping if free and you can turn up Friday night if you want to make a weekend of it.
28-29 May
£26.00 of one day
£45.00 for the weekend
Full shop on site and hot food will be available.

Game days at Norwich

Weekend Open days, Camping is free, so feel join us on the Sat night for beers round the fire.
7-8 May
£26 for the day or £45 for the weekend
Full shop on site.

Events in May

No Gunman events booked for May due to new family arrival but we do have a WW2 game on at Tudders.


Following the Success of operation Cobra, the American breakout form the boccage, the Allied forces in France find themselves with an opportunity to to encircle and destroy the German 7th Army. Whilst Patton’s Third army drives north to Falaise it is the task of Canadian First Army to drive south and link up with them. The vanguard of this advance is the 1st Polish Armoured Division.

The Polish 1st Armoured soon outstrips the rest of the Canadian army, as they run into stiff opposition, and are ordered to take the town of Chambois, link up with the Americans from the south and stop any retreating German forces until relieved by the rest of the Canadian forces.

Approaching Chambois General Maczek, commanding Polish 1st Armoured, splits his division into three battle-groups. Realising he lacks the strength to stop the gap completely he sends one group to capture Chambois (cotaining the 10th Dragoons), and the remainder to take the high ground overlooking the roads out of ‘the Pocket’ known as Mt Ormel. Nicknamed, because of it’s shape, Mazurka: the Mace.

As the pocket closed the 353rd Infantry Division has but one objective, escape. Suicidal charges and vain notions of possible victory are best left to the SS. With cunning, discipline and the skill of the German Soldat they will be able to prise open a gap big enough, and for long enough, to extradite the majority of their division to fight again another day.

The 10th Dragoons must move rapidly to secure the edge of Chambois and cut off the retreat of the German forces to their west. The Germans will not relinquish such an important area without a fight, but they are demoralised by defeats and lack the determination of the Polish soldier. Isolated from their supporting units, and with their American allies occupied to the south, it will be up to the infantryman to outfox their opponents in the shadow to ‘The Mace’.

See here for more info http://www.ww2airsoft.org.uk/php/phpBB2/viewforum.php?f=163

June at a glance

June 4-5 Norwich
June 11-12 Filmsim Tuddenham
June 18-19 Nam at Tuddenham
June 25-26 Skirmish Tuddenham

Word from the front

Hi all, the new command structure for the events is working a treat so a huge thanks from me to all the guys involved. We strive all the time to make the game of airsoft as good as it can be and always strive to change things that don’t work and stay ahead of the game. I can honestly say the team we have now is as good as it gets, we all believe we provide one of the best game days around and it’s in the players hands that turn up to play a clean and honorable game, which we can boast is 99% of the time. So big lub to all the crew and players.

Don’t forget to get your tickets booked for the Airsoft Arms Fair, it’s a great day out and the only truly dedicated trade show in this country I’m aware of. http://www.airsoftarmsfair.com/

Cheers all

Josh…out, (Gunman Airsoft)

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