OP:Mad Dog is running at Combat Action Games on the 2nd July:
Op: Mad Dog At Combat Action Games
2 July -10 hour game.Sierra Leone is in Political unrest there is rampant fight within the country.
Deep in the forest of sierra Leone a strong hold of government forces are trying to maintain the control of the diamonds that have given them power for years. They are also trying to crush a rebel up rising. To prevent a civil war.
Special forces teams are trying to pull their national out of the country.
£30/£25 for members.
- Film sim rules.
Ammo limits with the use of high caps
Medic rules with players carrying their own bandages- Team one government forces
40 places
Olive green or dpm uniforms- Rebels
40 places
civies- special forces team
multi cam/ marpat
8 places.Please contact us, visit our website for more details and to book phone or use the booking system on the website. (Combat Action Games)