Home Event News Want to go to the NAM? 4 more Nam Packs for sale!

Want to go to the NAM? 4 more Nam Packs for sale!

by Arnie

I’ve had a couple of updates regarding “The NAM” gaming event which has been rescheduled due to recent wildfires. There’s also an update detailing that there are still a number of packs available:

Hi everyone,

As you may have heard, we had to re-schedule THE NAM for June 20-22 due to the Santa Cruz wildfire.

Some people cannot make that date so THIS IS YOUR CHANCE TO GO!

What you need to do is contact the following players and make an arrangement to buy their Player Packs from them.  The Player Packs include the rules, maps/directions, patch, orders, etc.  The packs are your admission ticket and all you need to get in!

Here are the positions available and the corresponding contact:

Squad Leader Randall  two-bears@sbcglobal.net
Sniper  Dave  dave901@cox.net
Rifleman George  grnbktrout@cox.net

Rifleman Michael  mwschier@yahoo.com
Medic  Robert  rocho303@aol.com
Engineer Nelson  nverzosa@dfp4fire.com

Squad Leader Jonathan gintsang@gmail.com
Sniper  Lee  sg1.medical@att.net
Rifleman Alex  insiliarius@gmail.com
Rifleman Lowell  lowell.young@gmail.com
Rifleman Peter  vf_14_hunter@hotmail.com
Rifleman Adam  csplayer21@yahoo.com
Rifleman Jeremy  Bardsrhapsode@aim.com
Rifleman James  dorkyboyz@aol.com
Captain  Craig  websurfer21@hotmail.com

If you would like to go to The Nam contact the players above and make arrangements to get their Player Packs from them.  Then, all you have to do is show up with it.

Uniform requirements and game information is posted on the website at http://www.combatenterprises.com/nam8/

Hope you can make it!


p.s.  If you purchase a pack and want access to the forums before the game send me an e-mail.



There are four more positions for sale at The Nam 6/20-6/22.

These positions are for Special Forces (Tigerstripe) camo.  Please contact Lynette at theph0enix@sbcglobal.net or individual(s) below to make the arrangements:

Rifleman Kris: superop@comcast.net

Rifleman Lynette: theph0enix@sbcglobal.net

Medic Kevin: edge1945@aol.com

Squad Leader Scott: edge1945@aol.com

Hope you can make it!


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