Home Skirmish Site News New newsletter: Elite Warrior

New newsletter: Elite Warrior

by Arnie

Elite have launched their own newsletter:

As always at Elite we try to push the envelope. So that said and done here is what we are doing now! We started our own little magazine……. (News letter). Welcome to the world of Elite Warrior, our quarterly free download magazine. Firstly we are not trying to compete with the glossy Airsoft mags, nor the other subscription or free download mags. I guess what we are trying to do is write a news letter for Airsoft in the South, but it has turned into more… Is it perfect? No, not by a long way. Is it the best most comprehensive Airsoft read? No. Will it become the must have quarterly read for Airsoft?  Well, you never know where these things go…..but probably not. In truth this started as a way to advertise Elite, then changed into a few of us writing about the kit we used and why and before you know it we have a magazine of sorts.


Anyway, the best part of all of this, is we would like all of you to write articles if you want to. Please don’t make them too long and if you include pictures, ensure you have the copyright. Also please keep it Airsoft and relevant. So if you want to be published, offer up your wisdom or just point of view and not get paid for it. Drop me an email at john@eliteactiongames.com. I can’t promise to include everything but I will come back to you and let you know what will happen to the article.

So if you want to down load a copy please go to www.eliteactiongames.com/elitewarrior and have a look.

Feel free to let us know what you think. Oh and yes we know there are a few mistakes here and there, but as my teachers always said to me “must try harder” maybe in the next issue we will.

John, (Elite Action Games)

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