A Hong Kong manufacturer/retailer spoke to me about a possible project that they may start, but neither of us are particularly sure about the viability of the item. The suggested product is a metal body for the G36c. Now the real G36 obviously doesn’t have a metal body.. but would you as a G36 owner want a metal body to bulk up and reinforce your AEG? Price for the kit is dependant on the possible uptake as the initial cost of manufacture is pretty much the same for 1-100 kits.
To help the guys that want to make the new metal body we now have a simple poll setup in a special area in the forums that allows people to post their comments/opinions and vote either way about the idea. You will have to be logged in to vote, but guests can leave comments on the thread. Feedback on the product suggestion would be much appreciated if it’s a viable idea it will go forward.. if not, well it wont.