Home ArniesAirsoftArn's Blog MoD training kit shortages “bang, bang you’re dead”?

MoD training kit shortages “bang, bang you’re dead”?

by Arnie

Richard has sent over a link to a story at the Telegraph pages that claims there are certain training issues with the MoD namely that they have no training rounds for gear such the the underbarrel grenade unit on the new L85. You never know.. there might be a use for customised Academy L85s in the MoD yet (well apart from doorstops, cricket bats and novelty paperweights):

During recently held training for Iraq, held in pouring rain at the Castlemartin ranges in South Wales, members of the Staffordshire Regiment, one of the brigade’s two armoured infantry regiments, had to shout “bang bang” to simulate the firing of the grenade launchers.

Although they did have the Minimi, they could not fire it because there were no blank attachments and no way of cleaning it even if they fired live rounds. “It’s ridiculous,” the source said. “Everybody understands the need to save money but what was the point of buying the Minimi if they don’t get the cleaning kits? Michael Smith, (Daily Telegraph Online)

On a more serious note though kit shortages have always been an issue in any of the major military deployments and whilst some new stories and comments appear that are meant in a jovial nature, the lads out there still get the job done no matter what problems face them.

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