Home Event News Close Quarters Combat 7 website launches

Close Quarters Combat 7 website launches

by Arnie

Airsoft Pacific have launched their new website for Close Quarters Combat 7:

Airsoft Pacific has recently launched a dedicated website for our indoor tac-sim competition, Close Quarters Combat 7.  CQC7 is happening in the Pacific Northwest United States on May 16-17, 2009… but the website will be available for all future competitions in the years to come. Even if you aren’t attending the event, we hope for the website to be a resource for those interested in tac-sim Airsoft.


Maybe you want to run a competition of your own, maybe you want to brush up on or discuss CQC/CQB tactics?  We hope that cqc.airsoftpacific.com can help you do that.  The site features an interactive briefing room that looks like a 90s video game, video trailers, tac-sim discussion forums, and has just about everything you might want to know about the event.

Matt Rowell, (Airsoft Pacific)

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