Home Skirmish Site News CAGE is changing

CAGE is changing

by Arnie

Ed over at CAGE has sent in some news and shots of what is going on over at their site. There’s also some great aerial shots of Serial 20 here:


Guys we have some simply amazing news which will need us to restructure the way that CAGE works. All of you will know that over the last couple of years CAGE has grown massively bringing on numerous CAGE WOODLAND Sites through the Ministry of Defence.

CAGE at this time has 5 main woodland sites in Kent these are:


300 acres of Chestnut woodland situated within a shallow valley


420 Acres of mixed wood separated in two parts by a narrow crossing between two fields


A Massive 1000 acres site situated just outside Maidstone with superb facilities, a huge variation of woodland types, roads and even a working helicopter pad.


A 500 acre Woodland site with numerous concrete bunkers, roads and tracks


Our smallest site at 200 Acres of woodland (formerly part of the artillery range) and as such extremely broken terrain.

This sites are now coming under the banner of ”CAGE WOODLAND” the day to day running of these sites are staying pretty much as normal. Game play will be a mix of standard, battlesim and themed days and weekends. For walk-ons these will stay with our normal turn up and play booking in system.


CAGE are launching our new division “CAGE FIBUA”. This is an amazing step forward for us and thanks to the hard work of both the Mark’s we are pleased to announce the launch of four new sites.

These sites are part of the Army’s current FIBUA’s training programs and as such have some extremely high security procedures that we have to keep to. Firstly I’m going to tell you about the sites but these sites.



Built for Northern Ireland Training this is a complete village including streets with houses, shops and pubs. There is a network of roads with roundabouts. Here is a few pictures to wet your appetite. These events will need to booked via the CAGE FIBUA booking system and rules.


This site has been used for the last couple of years by CAGE as a FIBUA site and consists of several roomed bunkers previously used as armoury and ammo storage. Although we all know and love this site the Army is extensively altering the site in 2009/2010 so as they can conduct Afgan training. As such they are turning the bunkers into FOB’s (Forward Operating Base). What there actually doing is putting in HESCO walls and trench systems plus fortifying the bunkers themselves putting in roof access and sandbag walling the roofs. The Booking system for this site will remain the same as previously.


Although similar to SERIAL 20, SERIAL 40 is on a slightly larger scale and is modelled on a Northern Ireland Housing estate. These events will need to booked via the CAGE FIBUA booking system and rules.



Orginally built as a napolonic fort it was extensively remodel by the War Ministry during the two world wars for anti aircraft batteries and costal defence. Later on this fort was again remodelled to provide the army’s FIBUA pistol training. We will be using this site for evening pistol and shotgun games. These events will need to booked via the CAGE FIBUA booking system and rules.



One of the UK’s Largest FIBUA training sites with over 300 buildings, This was built by the Army for Northen Ireland Training and was to simulate an entire town and suburbs. Based within the “town” is Richmond Fort a simulated army base within the town complete with walled compands and gaurd towers. These events will be limited on this site due to the frequency of military and counter terrorist training that is conducted on them, as such we will be holding two weekend events per year on this massive site. These events will need to booked via the CAGE FIBUA booking system and rules.

(CAGE Airsoft)


These additional rules have been set by the MOD, there are NO negotiations on them. If you don’t like them, then I am afraid you won’t be able to come to these events.

1. All Participants must be booked onto the event a minimum of 7 days in advance giving full name and address. This information will then be passed onto the MOD for security checks. If for any reason you do not pass the security check will not be allowed to enter the site/camp

2. The Gates to the FIBUA sites will be open to us between 8:15am to 9:15am All players will need to ensure that arrive on site during this time. Failure to do so will result in you being refused entry.

3. On arrival on site you will need to produce Photo ID either in the form of a Driving Liecence or passport. The Photo ID must be government issued.

4. NO CAMERA’s or MOBILE PHONES are allowed on site. This a security thing that they have insisted on. However I have agreed that you can hand in your mobile phones to CAGE on the gate where we will keep them locked up for the day.

5. All participants and vehicles will be searched on arrival to the site. This is to ensure you or your vehicle are not a security risk.

As I have said these security procedures have been put into place by the MOD as these are all active ARMY training sites. If you are not happy with them, then don’t come.

Our first game will be on the 31st October 2009 full details will be going up on to it’s own section of the forum.

CAGE as for a number of years provided quality woodland airsoft gaming, now we have some of the best CQB/FIBUA sites in the uk.

Cheers all

For more information on the booking system and dates, check THE CAGE FORUMS

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