Home ArniesAirsoftArn's Blog Fun day out at The Mall and a reminder about the ‘Wear the Fox Hat’ charity raffle

Fun day out at The Mall and a reminder about the ‘Wear the Fox Hat’ charity raffle

by Arnie

I thought a quick update would be suitable after my first game in er… many years? First up to thank First and Only Airsoft for a great day’s gaming and secondly to the Bamako Bampots as the event today at The Mall was an organised charity event.


image All proceeds from the event have gone to their charitable outlets. For those that don’t know, First and Only Airsoft have an urban site in the centre of Reading called The Mall. There’s a car park, and if you’re a public transport fan the bus terminal and railway station are minutes away on foot (slightly longer if you carry big arse bags of kit like me). It’s a great site, run by people in the know, ran amazingly well with all mod cons available (hot bogs, brews and charging facilities.. who needs anything else?).

imageNow the important bit.. Steve and the Bamako Bampots and the Wear the Fox Hat raffle. What’s it all about? Here’s a bit of blurb from their site:

We are a UK registered charity whose mission is to help communities help themselves. By providing emergency vehicles, medical equipment and funding for local personnel we help deliver critical immunisation programs aimed at reducing the infant mortality and increasing the adult life expectancy beyond the current 38 yrs.

Working with Rotary Internation[al] we contacted the Mayor of Bamako. The Mayor was thankful for any aid we could provide and specifically requested any medical aid and ambulances to be used in the Kalaban Coro area of Mail.

We resolved to provide them with two fully functional and equipped ambulances suitable for harsh African environment where they will be used to provide emergency aid to 49,000 people currently residing in the 220sq km area of Kalaban Coro currently without any vehicular or emergency aid.

For more on the work of Bamako Bampots visit www.bamakobampots.org to see the amazing work we are doing.

Raffle tickets are a fiver, and by entering you get a chance to win one of the donated items up for grabs including a Paul Piper minigun. The draw will take place on the 24th of December or sooner if all the tickets are sold. The funds all go to a good cause and you stand a chance of winning some decent Airsoft kit.

So rather than buying a handful of pyros or some extra gas and BBs at your next game please buy a ticket. It’s all for a good cause! If you’re a company and looking to make a charitable write off of some form this year then give do give them a shout.

image Oh and please don’t forget Frag Photos. If Frag Photos take photos at your event they’ll appear online at http://www.fragphotos.com, where you can buy individual photos for 5p each (subscriptions are also available). All proceeds go to charity. At the moment there’s shots up there from Elite Action Games, First and Only Airsoft TA Events, South West Wargames and Bamako Bampots.

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