The guys at Wolf have sent over a joint statement from both themselves and Airsoft Dynamics. Here’s the latest from them:
As we all know a bill has been proposed to ban replica firearms.
Aside from being affected as Retailers, we at Airsoft Dynamics and Wolf Armouries are also affected as avid airsoft enthusiasts. We received numerous concerned phonecalls and emails regarding this situation, so to clarify the bill as it stands now:
Contrary to popular belief, this bill if passed, affects retailers, importers (including private individuals importing from overseas) and manufacturers within the UK. Current owners and airsofters will still be allowed to keep and use airsoft products even if the bill is passed as Law.
Our promise to the airsoft community is that we will try everything within our power to oppose this broadsweeping legislation and to do all we can to ensure that we can continue with the sport of airsoft in every aspect.
Your support as individuals is very very important. We need you to start your own petitions, write to your local MPs and state your views.
Wolf Armouries and Airsoft Dynamics will be starting our own ‘campaign’ very soon, including draft letters to MP’s for you to download and forward on, online petitions as well as petitions instore and at skirmish sights and so forth. So watch out for that and please do support us.
On a final note, those that have drafted this bill do not fully understand the situation and our sport. This bill is not yet law, we have the time and the power to make a difference. Tackling violent crime is a worthy cause but to pursue that cause by victimising airsoft will achieve nothing, the Goverment is misinformed we need to inform them. (Wolf Armouries and Airsoft Dynamics)