Home Skirmish Site News Ambush Chobham – an update from the weekend

Ambush Chobham – an update from the weekend

by Arnie

There’s been an update following the work team that went to Chobham to help rebuild what was destroyed (details of what happened can be found here).

As was posted previously if you can help in any way please do contact Paul on the previous post here.

Here’s the update from Turtle as posted on the Ambush forums:

OK first off before you loose intrest…

We’ve had a work team up there today, and we have sucessfully cleared and made safe the affected area of the safe zone affected.

There is still a lot of work to be done.


There are problems with organising things at such short notice, Skips (we filled todays…), hardcore, wood ect ect…

So Charlie has asked if those willing to help can pospone utill Sat 2nd of June. This will allow time for Charlie to raise some funds and arange delivery of all the required materials.

Charlie is astounded at the help and suport he is recieving and didnt even expect to have achieved the amount we did today. We basicaly ran out of things to do.

Planning is afoot for rebuilding and generaly refitting the entire safezone, so there will be plenty of work for the 2nd June.

OK now for the boring bit.

What has happened/been affected:

The office, storeroom corridor and porta-cabin are gone. Burnt to the ground.

The big old tent has had the front canvas burnt/melted. HTe same goes for the new tent besides the Shop.

The shop, kitchen and little tent are all fine, although the shop door is in a few pieces.

Unfortunately all the equipment from the site is kept in the office block so that is all gone although the kettle almost survived just the handle didnt…

To end, Charlie is most gratefull for all the support and help he has been offered, from Players, Retailers and Other Sites. AIM is organising an auction of donated equipment from various retailers at Chobham on the 20th of May to pay for materials Charlie is going to organise for the 2nd June.

Thankyou Turtle, (Ambush forums)

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