Home Distributor News Spartan Imports – Response to SB798

Spartan Imports – Response to SB798

by orca

Our beloved hobby is once again under attack by politicians who have an incomplete understanding of the laws and regulations under which our hobby exist. California SB 798 was crafted as a kneejerk reaction to a tragic incident where a teenager was shot by a law enforcement officer after DELIBERATELY POINTING a “BB gun” at the officer…in the dark of night!

Read more here: http://www.spartanimports.com/announce/SpartanAnnouncementSB798.pdf

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Nick Niehaus May 3, 2011 - 1:59 am

Kevin DeLeon, the man behind this bill, has been pushing all kinds of stupid bills like this for years. De Leon is a real-life troll. Some of his bills pass, some don't. I sincerely hope this doesn't pass. I strongly urge every one of you to write, e-mail, or call De Leon's office as well as your local representative and voice your OPPOSITION to this bill. Believe it or not your voice can make a difference!

Nick Niehaus May 3, 2011 - 2:05 am

I forgot I'm on a UK website; of course my initial comment only really works if you're a resident of California. But you can still call De Leon and tell him you disagree with the bill.

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