madbull (head of MadBullAirsoft) has posted a link to short video in the forums showing the first functional prototypes of the new 470 CO2 system that they are pioneering. The video was made at around 0400 by the engineers in Taiwan and there’s lots of apologies all round as the guys making the video aren’t video professionals and were rather tired at the time that they were making it. Thus the realmedia format video isn’t great, but it does give you some idea of the noise you can expect from the new replacement gearbox units.
The mechanism does need the charging handle racking back to load the first shot (just like the real thing) and from what I see is single action only at the moment. Power and recoil look to be superb, with the system due to be available in various forms and power levels in the future.
A full auto version of the 470 needs a three stage expansion chamber, and at the moment there’s not much room for this in the current design. The current version will only be for the v2 M16 AEG series, but other models are coming in May. The first samples will be around in May and trials will be conducted around them to get some feedback on the designs. More details as and when they are available.