Home Manufacturer News New product previews from MadBull

New product previews from MadBull

by Arnie

Simon from MadBull Airsoft has posted the first look in on two of his new and upcoming products (remember to check the forum news section for news from the authors themselves occasionally).

First up is the TALON (as seen in the forums here):

Features an eight face rail interface system (normal rail system only has 4 faces).
The real Talon Upper only without suppressor would cost 625.00USD.
The MadBull Airsoft version will be about 120USD.

Real thing from Gemtech,

Airsoft Version (Proto-type, final color is black) Simon, (MadBull Airsoft)

(TALON to the left, HALO to the right)

Next there’s the HALO (seen in the forums here):

Special patented adapter, solid and reliable.

Real thing from Gemtech can be found here.

Airsoft Version (Proto-type) Simon, (MadBull Airsoft)

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