News crew expanded

by Arnie

The number of people that now have access to add news here has now grown, with three more volunteers from the forum staff generously offering to help out. The idea is that with multiple authors here, updates will be more frequent and we’ll be able to keep on top of the news easier. All of the staff now have limited free time due to other commitments, hence the new system.

Also the primary email account for news submission ( has been slightly modified and now forwards all email sent to it to each of the news writing staff. Each new staff member has their own contact email address too, which are as follows:

R22Master –
Ghost Rider –
Marlowe –

As with anything it’ll take us time to get up to speed and to tweak the system, but things should get better in the long run. Please continue to send news to and it will then be dealt with by the first person to read the email. In the short term, some news updates may lack images until everyone has been fully briefed on how the news system works.

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