Home ArniesAirsoftArniesAirsoft Updates Updates: New server here

Updates: New server here

by Arnie

This will probably be the first of a few updates along these lines. The new server that we’ve been waiting for has finally arrived. It’s huge and fast, but we have over 25Gb of data to transfer from the old box to the new one.

The new system is a dual CPU dual core unit, with 4Gb of memory and twin 250Gb drives on a dedicated 100Mb line. It’s four times our current specification and we can’t wait to get it up and operational.

That’s taking a bit of time to complete (it’s running in the background at the moment). The road plan so far is:

  • Move the data between the boxes (in progress initial copy complete)
  • Sync the server account settings (email, spam filters etc.)
  • Test the new server setup
  • Disable forum posting so that data on the old server remains in a frozen state
  • Sync the last data across so that the new machine is running the latest changes
  • Move the DNS nameservers, which will result in a 24-48hour wait
  • When everything has moved across and the new box is running smoothly (I guess we’re talking about 2-3days total from the start) everything will be re-enabled.

As you can see there’s a fair amount to do, but it does give you an idea of what’s going on behind the scenes.

Update 08/04/07: Okay the first set of data has been moved over. More to do yet.

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