This is an update in relation to the problems we’ve been having with mysql lately (the database behind the site). The technicians can’t pinpoint the problem, but it seems that the most likely problem is a faulty memory card or a problem with the hard drives.
With this in mind I’ve asked them to do these checks for us. At the moment I’ve asked them to pull the rack around 0200 GMT in the morning. This will result in the server being shutdown safely, physically pulled out of the shelf and then diagnosed by a technician. Hopefully we’ll find it’s a memory card that simply needs replacing.
I will update with some news here as soon as I know more.
Update: Downtime 0200-0400 GMT confirmed for maintenance. Server will be offline and disconnected for this period for extended tests.
Update 1111 270407 GMT: Complete hardware check carried out, as a test I’m now recovering all data in our larger tales to new files. We’ve got a complete backup, but as the tables keep corupting themselves without warning a complete data check is in order. This may take a while please be patient. Forums disabled whilst this check is carried out.