Celcius Weapons distributors Specialist Tactical Training Solutions (S-T-T-S) are offering a free warranty upgrade on Celcius CTW MX-2 and CTW Team Alpha:
Specialist Tactical Training Solutions (S-T-T-S), the exclusive UK and Irish distributor for the Celcius Weapons platform would like to announce the following:
In what is believed to be a WORLD FIRST, S-T-T-S would like to offer a FREE * Sun Gear upgrade to any air softer who has purchased a Celcius CTW MX-2 or CTW Team Alpha from one of their appointed UK resellers (JD Airsoft of Cannock OR Badger Tac of Oxfordshire) and who have returned their warranty card.
This is in response to a possible weakness that has been discovered in the original Celcius Sun Gear where the 2 components can separate and cause the weapon to fail. The new part which will be fitted is a of a higher grade material and the 2 parts of the Sun gear are welded together for strength instead of stamped.
This gesture is to help re-enforce the commitment of S-T-T-S in the future development of the Celcius brand here in the UK and Ireland.
Please note that any claims the CTW MX-2 are for Warranty Cards that have already been received, and any cards that are received after the 13th of May 2012 will not be honoured as the ‘grace’ period for completing the card has passed. ALL purchasers of the new Team Alpha and the Limited Edition Team Alpha ‘416’ Rifle and Carbines WILL be honoured due to their very recent launch.
Any questions or queries please contact info@s-t-t-s.co.uk directly or via the ‘Contact Us’ button on our website www.celcius-ctw.co.uk
Stand Fast……. Fight Hard
(*- The cost of the replacement part is covered by S-T-T-S however there may be a small labour charge – please contact the supplying shop for clarification)